Tell me:
What is true about you
What is not true about you
What you’ve accomplished
What perfection is
What you are responsible for
What you would like to change
What is your greatest weakness
How you have been rejected
What you are afraid to face in yourself
How you give your power away
How you stay small to let others shine
How you want to relate to others
What are your triggers in relationships
What/who is your higher power
What you want others to understand about you
What ignites your passion
Who has had the greatest influence on your life
What are some of your simple pleasures
What holds you back
What are your unmet needs
What you believe in
What happiness is
What scares you about aging/death
What love is
What you regret
Who you miss
Who you love
Where it hurts the most
What chances do you wish you had taken
What has shaped you
Who you are
What you want
What is your greatest longing
What life is
What you find hard to face in yourself
What is your truth
What you want for yourself
What you want for your family
How you have depended on others for your happiness
How you have given up on yourself
What you do to gain approval from others
How you compare yourself to others
What you would like to forgive yourself for
What you blame others for
What your grateful for
What money is
How you want to earn money
What habits you have that don’t serve you
Who do you want to be
When you were a child what did you love doing or being
What did you want to be when you grew up
What did your family encourage or discourage you from being or doing
Who was the person/people you admired the most
What have people neglected to recognize most about you
What does intimacy mean
What are the qualities you value most in a partner
What are the things you tolerate about your partner but don’t really like
What are the things you’d like to change most about your partner
What are the things you’d like to change most about your self in relationship with your partner
What is your biggest fear about being in a relationship
What are the things you don’t want your partner to know about you
What is creativity
What aspect of yourself have you not expressed
What is spirituality
What did you learn from your family about religion or spirituality
What is the most exciting thing you’ve done
What is your greatest fear
What gets you excited about life
What life lesson did you learn the hard way
What can you do now that you couldn’t 5 years ago
What would you do differently if you wouldn’t face judgement
What brings you joy
What do you get lost in
What would you regret not having, being or doing in life
What are you holding onto that you need to let go of
What/who makes you smile
If you could give the world one message, what would it be
What is failure
How are you different from others
What is the most desirable trait in another
What inspires you
What is the one thing you would like to most change about the world
What impact do you want to leave on the world
What has been the defining moment in your life so far
The worst day of your life
The best day of your life
What is your favourite childhood memory
What does it mean to fall in love
What gives your life the most meaning
What would you like to be remembered for
What does it mean to be human
What do you love most about yourself
What can’t you live without
What sustains you
What do you value in life
What are your boundaries
Describe the last year of your life
What is freedom
Are you happy
What moral codes do you follow
What does it mean to be vulnerable
When do you feel most like yourself
What has been your greatest challenge
Who has been your greatest teacher
How do you define success
What can money not buy
What do you owe yourself
Why do you matter
How do you show yourself love
What are you sure of in life
Where is home for you
What possessions mean the most to you
What makes someone beautiful
What makes you proud
Where do you find peace
Who do you trust/why
What are you ready to let go of
What would you like more of in your life
What are you afraid of
I’ve begun a similar process of questioning, thank you for sharing these. ♥️🧡💚